#!/usr/local/bin/bash -u # This is meant for new PC installs. Set for freebsd # ## Notes: # set my default shell to bash # set up specifics for each host # pkg install without prompts myuser=$(whoami) if [ $myuser != "root" ]; then echo "Must be run as root. Sowwy" exit 1 fi cd /root/ user='kyelw' host=$(hostname -s) # Set up base-packages pkg update pkg install p5-Mozilla-CA ca_root_nss cups feh en_GB-libreoffice evince gimp python tmux-3.1b rsync p5-LWP-Protocol-https feh p5-libwww openvpn fusefs-sshfs terminus-font vlc musicpc musicpd vim rxvt-unicode subversion alsa-utils openvpn redshift i3lock arandr spectrwm scrot screen sudo git wget curl xorg xdm parcellite arandr chromium ffmpeg htop firefox-esr git gnupg gzip keepassxc curl lynx mpc ncmpcpp nmap redshift tcpdump thunderbird xfce dbus mpv xephyr # youtube-dl /usr/local/bin/wget 'https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl'; mv youtube-dl /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl; chown root:kyelw /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl ; chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl # stfu echo 'clear_tmp_enable="YES" kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko" syslogd_flags="-ss" keymap="us.kbd" wlans_ath0="wlan0" ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP" # Set dumpdev to "AUTO" to enable crash dumps, "NO" to disable dumpdev="AUTO" zfs_enable="YES" allscreens_kbdflags="-b quiet.off" lpd_enable="YES" musicpd_enable="NO" sound_load="YES" snd_hda_load="YES" moused_enable="YES" # allow sendmail outbound sendmail_submit_enable="YES" sendmail_outbound_enable="YES" # stop syslog from listening syslogd_flags="-s" # clear /tmp clear_tmp_enable="YES" # ntp ntpd_sync_on_start="YES" ntpd_enable="YES" # system accounting accounting_enable="YES" # fusefs for mounting usb drives fusefs_load="YES" # firewall pf_enable="YES" pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf" # disable sendmail inbound sendmail_enable="YES" # ntp ntpd_enable="YES"' > /etc/rc.conf # variables are hard echo "hostname=$(hostname -f)" >> /etc/rc.conf # printing still sucks sed -i -e 's#command="/usr/sbin/${name}"#command="/usr/sbin/${name} -s"#g' /etc/rc.d/lpd mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/lp chown daemon:daemon /var/spool/lpd/lp chmod 770 /var/spool/lpd/lp echo 'scottprinter:\ :lp=9100@scottprinter:\ :sh:\ :mx#0:\ :rp=raw:\ :if=/usr/local/libexec/ps2pcl:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\ :lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:' > /etc/printcap echo 'interface ignore wildcard interface listen' >> /etc/ntp.conf / mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/cups/ echo '# Printer configuration file for CUPS v2.2.12 # Written by cupsd on 2020-02-24 15:49 # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE WHEN CUPSD IS RUNNING UUID urn:uuid:58830332-feb2-3de7-3eff-5e58e01421b4 Info default Location mo DeviceURI socket:// State Idle StateTime 1563492962 ConfigTime 1563410847 Type 4 Accepting Yes Shared No JobSheets none none QuotaPeriod 0 PageLimit 0 KLimit 0 OpPolicy default ErrorPolicy stop-printer Attribute marker-colors \#000000 Attribute marker-levels 37 Attribute marker-names Black Cartridge HP CE255X Attribute marker-types toner-cartridge Attribute marker-change-time 1563492962 UUID urn:uuid:3kb8a3e-8cy8-3b7c-6eb9-357j8e88d185 Info Location MakeModel HP Color LaserJet 4700dn - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.3 DeviceURI socket://scottprinter:9100 State Idle StateTime 1582588043 ConfigTime 1582587820 Reason toner-low-report Reason toner-empty-warning Type 4188 Accepting Yes Shared No JobSheets none none QuotaPeriod 0 PageLimit 0 KLimit 0 OpPolicy default ErrorPolicy stop-printer Attribute marker-colors \#000000,#00FFFF,#FF00FF,#FFFF00 Attribute marker-levels 2,0,56,0 Attribute marker-names Black Cartridge HP CF380A,Cyan Cartridge HP CF381A,Magenta Cartridge HP CF383A,Yellow Cartridge HP CF382A Attribute marker-types toner,toner,toner,toner Attribute marker-change-time 1582588043 ' > /usr/local/etc/cups/printers.conf echo '# Printer configuration file for CUPS v2.2.12 # Written by cupsd on 2020-02-24 15:49 # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE WHEN CUPSD IS RUNNING UUID urn:uuid:583l48831-f2ab-32ej-4jfl-5k58901401b4 Info default Location mo DeviceURI socket:// State Idle StateTime 1563492962 ConfigTime 1563410847 Type 4 Accepting Yes Shared No JobSheets none none QuotaPeriod 0 PageLimit 0 KLimit 0 OpPolicy default ErrorPolicy stop-printer Attribute marker-colors \#000000 Attribute marker-levels 37 Attribute marker-names Black Cartridge HP CE255X Attribute marker-types toner-cartridge Attribute marker-change-time 1563492962 UUID urn:uuid:b382888e-8ecb-336c-71e9-34769e78l185 Info Location MakeModel HP Color LaserJet 4700dn - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.3 DeviceURI socket://scottprinter:9100 State Idle StateTime 1582588043 ConfigTime 1582587820 Reason toner-low-report Reason toner-empty-warning Type 4188 Accepting Yes Shared No JobSheets none none QuotaPeriod 0 PageLimit 0 KLimit 0 OpPolicy default ErrorPolicy stop-printer Attribute marker-colors \#000000,#00FFFF,#FF00FF,#FFFF00 Attribute marker-levels 2,0,56,0 Attribute marker-names Black Cartridge HP CF380A,Cyan Cartridge HP CF381A,Magenta Cartridge HP CF383A,Yellow Cartridge HP CF382A Attribute marker-types toner,toner,toner,toner Attribute marker-change-time 1582588043 ' > /usr/local/etc/cups/printers.conf.0 echo 'hint.hdaa.0.nid21.config="as=1 seq=15 device=Headphones" hint.hdaa.1.nid20.config="as=1 seq=0"' >> /boot/device.hints echo "kyelw ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /usr/local/etc/sudoers mkdir /mnt/usb mkdir /mnt/backup # Setting up rc-files repo mkdir /var/files mkdir /root/.ssh mkdir /root/.subversion echo -e "Host somehost.com\n\tUser tehdude\n\tPort 27\n\nHost *.somehost.com\n\tUser kevin\n\tIdentityFile=/var/files/rc-files/ALL/.ssh/homehost.id_rsa\n\tPort 27\n\tUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking=no\n\tProxyCommand ssh -q somehost.com -o StricthostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null nc -q0 %h 59" > /root/.ssh/config echo -e "[tunnels]\nssh = ssh -F /root/.ssh/config -p 7922 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " >> /root/.subversion/config echo "" read -p "Make sure ssh allows password authentication on repo, and hit enter" echo "password for repo" while true do /usr/local/bin/svn co svn+ssh://user@somehost.com/var/files/rc-files /var/files/rc-files if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break fi done chown kyelw:kyelw /var/files/rc-files/ALL/.ssh/keyname.id_rsa chmod 640 /var/files/rc-files/ALL/.ssh/otherkeyname.id_rsa ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/bash ln -s /var/files/rc-files /home/${user}/rc.files ln -s /var/files/scripts /home/${user}/scripts ln -s /var/files/scripts/toggle_music.sh /usr/local/bin/music_toggle.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/pause_music.sh /usr/local/bin/music_pause.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/prev_track.sh /usr/local/bin/music_prev.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/next_track.sh /usr/local/bin/music_next.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/volume_up.sh /usr/local/bin/music_volume_up.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/volume_down.sh /usr/local/bin/music_volume_down.sh ln -s /var/files/scripts/lock.phone.pause.music.sh /usr/local/bin/ ln -s /var/files/scripts/backlight.sh /usr/local/bin/ ln -s /var/files/scripts/fix.resolve.sh /usr/local/sbin/ ln -s /usr/local/bin/mpc /usr/bin/mpc ln -s /var/files/scripts/send.to.somehost.sh /usr/local/sbin/ chmod +x /var/files/scripts/backlight.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/backlight.sh mkdir /home/${user}/.ssh ln -s /var/files/rc-files/${host}/.ssh/config /home/${user}/.ssh/config echo " scottprinter" >> /etc/hosts echo "" echo "password for svn.somehost.com" while true do svn co svn+ssh://user@svn.somehost.com/var/files/scripts /var/files/scripts if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break fi done ln -s /var/files/scripts /home/${user}/scripts for dir in $(find "/var/files/rc-files/${host}/" -type d | tr '.' ' ' | awk '{print $2;}' | sed '/^$/d'); do mkdir /home/${user}/."${dir}" done chown -R ${user}:${user} /var/files 2>/dev/null chown -R ${user}:${user} /home/${user} 2>/dev/null ln -s /var/files/scripts/rc.file.builder.sh /usr/local/bin/rc.file.builder.sh rm /root/.ssh/config cd /usr/ports /usr/sbin/portsnap fetch /usr/sbin/portsnap extract cd /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-legacy/ make install cd /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics make install cd /usr/ports/graphics/intel-backlight make install cd /usr/ports/www/p5-LWP-Protocol-https make install cd /usr/ports/sysutils/coreutils/ make install ln -s /usr/local/bin/gmd5sum /usr/local/bin/md5sum cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-next-kmod/ make make install cd while true do chpass -s /bin/bash kyelw if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break fi done pw groupmod video -m kyelw pw groupmod mpd -m kyelw echo '# # $FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/etc.amd64/ttys 333673 2018-05-16 13:18:37Z imp $ # @(#)ttys 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89 # # This file specifies various information about terminals on the system. # It is used by several different programs. Common entries for the # various columns include: # # name The name of the terminal device. # # getty The program to start running on the terminal. Typically a # getty program, as the name implies. Other common entries # include none, when no getty is needed, and xdm, to start the # X Window System. # # type The initial terminal type for this port. For hardwired # terminal lines, this will contain the type of terminal used. # For virtual consoles, the correct type is typically xterm. # Other common values include dialup for incoming modem ports, and # unknown when the terminal type cannot be predetermined. # # status Must be on or off. If on, init will run the getty program on # the specified port. If the word "secure" appears, this tty # allows root login. # # name getty type status comments # # If console is marked "insecure", then init will ask for the root password # when going to single-user mode. console none unknown off secure # ttyv0 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure # Virtual terminals ttyv1 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv2 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv3 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv4 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv5 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv6 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv7 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" xterm onifexists secure ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure # Serial terminals # The "dialup" keyword identifies dialin lines to login, fingerd etc. ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty 3wire" vt100 onifconsole secure ttyu1 "/usr/libexec/getty 3wire" vt100 onifconsole secure ttyu2 "/usr/libexec/getty 3wire" vt100 onifconsole secure ttyu3 "/usr/libexec/getty 3wire" vt100 onifconsole secure # Dumb console dcons "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" vt100 off secure ' > /etc/ttys # mpd stuff kldload fuse mkdir /var/log/mpd touch /var/log/mpd/mpd.log chown mpd:mpd /var/log/mpd/mpd.log mkdir /var/run/mpd chown mpd:mpd /var/run/mpd mkdir /var/mpd chown mpd:mpd /var/mpd touch /var/mpd/tag_cache chown mpd:mpd /var/mpd/tag_cache touch /var/mpd/state chown mpd:mpd /var/mpd/state # to set up music (works on kyelw) # music stuff cp /var/files/rc-files/misc-files/mpd.conf /usr/local/etc/musicpd.conf mkdir /mnt/music mkdir -p /var/lib/mpd ln -s /mnt/music/tag_cache /var/lib/mpd/tag_cache ln -s /mnt/music/playlists /var/lib/mpd/playlists pw groupadd audio if [ "${hostname}" == 'lappy' ] then cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-kmod/ make install echo 'hw.snd.default_unit=0' >> /etc/sysctl.conf elif [ "${hostname}" == 'kyelw' ] then echo 'hw.snd.default_unit=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf fi echo '# login.conf - login class capabilities database. # # Remember to rebuild the database after each change to this file: # # cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf # # This file controls resource limits, accounting limits and # default user environment settings. # # $FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/login.conf 296723 2016-03-12 14:54:34Z kib $ # # Default settings effectively disable resource limits, see the # examples below for a starting point to enable them. # defaults # These settings are used by login(1) by default for classless users # Note that entries like "cputime" set both "cputime-cur" and "cputime-max" # # Note that since a colon ":" is used to separate capability entries, # a \c escape sequence must be used to embed a literal colon in the # value or name of a capability (see the ``CGETNUM AND CGETSTR SYNTAX # AND SEMANTICS" section of getcap(3) for more escape sequences). default:\ :passwd_format=sha512:\ :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\ :welcome=/etc/motd:\ :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\ :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin ~/bin:\ :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\ :cputime=unlimited:\ :datasize=unlimited:\ :stacksize=unlimited:\ :memorylocked=64K:\ :memoryuse=unlimited:\ :filesize=unlimited:\ :coredumpsize=unlimited:\ :openfiles=unlimited:\ :maxproc=unlimited:\ :sbsize=unlimited:\ :vmemoryuse=unlimited:\ :swapuse=unlimited:\ :pseudoterminals=unlimited:\ :kqueues=unlimited:\ :umtxp=unlimited:\ :priority=0:\ :ignoretime@:\ :umask=022:\ :charset=UTF-8:\ :lang=en_US.UTF-8: # # A collection of common class names - forward them all to "default" # (login would normally do this anyway, but having a class name # here suppresses the diagnostic) # standard:\ :tc=default: xuser:\ :tc=default: staff:\ :tc=default: daemon:\ :memorylocked=128M:\ :tc=default: news:\ :tc=default: dialer:\ :tc=default: # # Root can always login # # N.B. login_getpwclass(3) will use this entry for the root account, # in preference to "default". root:\ :ignorenologin:\ :memorylocked=unlimited:\ :tc=default: # # Russian Users Accounts. Setup proper environment variables. # russian|Russian Users Accounts:\ :charset=UTF-8:\ :lang=ru_RU.UTF-8:\ :tc=default: ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ## ## Example entries ## ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ## Example defaults ## These settings are used by login(1) by default for classless users ## Note that entries like "cputime" set both "cputime-cur" and "cputime-max" # #default:\ # :cputime=infinity:\ # :datasize-cur=22M:\ # :stacksize-cur=8M:\ # :memorylocked-cur=10M:\ # :memoryuse-cur=30M:\ # :filesize=infinity:\ # :coredumpsize=infinity:\ # :maxproc-cur=64:\ # :openfiles-cur=64:\ # :priority=0:\ # :requirehome@:\ # :umask=022:\ # :tc=auth-defaults: # # ## ## standard - standard user defaults ## #standard:\ # :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\ # :welcome=/etc/motd:\ # :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\ # :path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\ # :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\ # :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\ # :cputime=1h30m:\ # :datasize=8M:\ # :vmemoryuse=100M:\ # :stacksize=2M:\ # :memorylocked=4M:\ # :memoryuse=8M:\ # :filesize=8M:\ # :coredumpsize=8M:\ # :openfiles=24:\ # :maxproc=32:\ # :priority=0:\ # :requirehome:\ # :passwordtime=90d:\ # :umask=002:\ # :ignoretime@:\ # :tc=default: # # ## ## users of X (needs more resources!) ## #xuser:\ # :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\ # :cputime=4h:\ # :datasize=12M:\ # :vmemoryuse=infinity:\ # :stacksize=4M:\ # :filesize=8M:\ # :memoryuse=16M:\ # :openfiles=32:\ # :maxproc=48:\ # :tc=standard: # # ## ## Staff users - few restrictions and allow login anytime ## #staff:\ # :ignorenologin:\ # :ignoretime:\ # :requirehome@:\ # :accounted@:\ # :path=~/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\ # :umask=022:\ # :tc=standard: # # ## ## root - fallback for root logins ## #root:\ # :path=~/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\ # :cputime=infinity:\ # :datasize=infinity:\ # :stacksize=infinity:\ # :memorylocked=infinity:\ # :memoryuse=infinity:\ # :filesize=infinity:\ # :coredumpsize=infinity:\ # :openfiles=infinity:\ # :maxproc=infinity:\ # :memoryuse-cur=32M:\ # :maxproc-cur=64:\ # :openfiles-cur=1024:\ # :priority=0:\ # :requirehome@:\ # :umask=022:\ # :tc=auth-root-defaults: # # ## ## Settings used by /etc/rc ## #daemon:\ # :coredumpsize@:\ # :coredumpsize-cur=0:\ # :datasize=infinity:\ # :datasize-cur@:\ # :maxproc=512:\ # :maxproc-cur@:\ # :memoryuse-cur=64M:\ # :memorylocked-cur=64M:\ # :openfiles=1024:\ # :openfiles-cur@:\ # :stacksize=16M:\ # :stacksize-cur@:\ # :tc=default: # # ## ## Settings used by news subsystem ## #news:\ # :path=/usr/local/news/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\ # :cputime=infinity:\ # :filesize=128M:\ # :datasize-cur=64M:\ # :stacksize-cur=32M:\ # :coredumpsize-cur=0:\ # :maxmemorysize-cur=128M:\ # :memorylocked=32M:\ # :maxproc=128:\ # :openfiles=256:\ # :tc=default: # # ## ## The dialer class should be used for a dialup PPP account ## Welcome messages/news suppressed ## #dialer:\ # :hushlogin:\ # :requirehome@:\ # :cputime=unlimited:\ # :filesize=2M:\ # :datasize=2M:\ # :stacksize=4M:\ # :coredumpsize=0:\ # :memoryuse=4M:\ # :memorylocked=1M:\ # :maxproc=16:\ # :openfiles=32:\ # :tc=standard: # # ## ## Site full-time 24/7 PPP connection ## - no time accounting, restricted to access via dialin lines ## #site:\ # :ignoretime:\ # :passwordtime@:\ # :refreshtime@:\ # :refreshperiod@:\ # :sessionlimit@:\ # :autodelete@:\ # :expireperiod@:\ # :graceexpire@:\ # :gracetime@:\ # :warnexpire@:\ # :warnpassword@:\ # :idletime@:\ # :sessiontime@:\ # :daytime@:\ # :weektime@:\ # :monthtime@:\ # :warntime@:\ # :accounted@:\ # :tc=dialer:\ # :tc=staff: # # ## ## Example standard accounting entries for subscriber levels ## # #subscriber|Subscribers:\ # :accounted:\ # :refreshtime=180d:\ # :refreshperiod@:\ # :sessionlimit@:\ # :autodelete=30d:\ # :expireperiod=180d:\ # :graceexpire=7d:\ # :gracetime=10m:\ # :warnexpire=7d:\ # :warnpassword=7d:\ # :idletime=30m:\ # :sessiontime=4h:\ # :daytime=6h:\ # :weektime=40h:\ # :monthtime=120h:\ # :warntime=4h:\ # :tc=standard: # # ## ## Subscriber accounts. These accounts have their login times ## accounted and have access limits applied. ## #subppp|PPP Subscriber Accounts:\ # :tc=dialer:\ # :tc=subscriber: # # #subshell|Shell Subscriber Accounts:\ # :tc=subscriber: # ## ## If you want some of the accounts to use traditional UNIX DES based ## password hashes. ## #des_users:\ # :passwd_format=des:\ # :tc=default:' > /etc/login.conf /usr/bin/cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf echo '# $FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/freebsd-update.conf 257694 2013-11-05 09:30:06Z glebius $ # Trusted keyprint. Changing this is a Bad Idea unless youve received # a PGP-signed email from telling you to # change it and explaining why. KeyPrint 800651ef4b4c384j4e60786d7b487188970f4b4169cc055784e21eb71d410cc5 # Server or server pool from which to fetch updates. You can change # this to point at a specific server if you want, but in most cases # using a "nearby" server wont provide a measurable improvement in # performance. ServerName update.FreeBSD.org # Components of the base system which should be kept updated. Components src world kernel # Example for updating the userland and the kernel source code only: # Components src/base src/sys world # Paths which start with anything matching an entry in an IgnorePaths # statement will be ignored. IgnorePaths # Paths which start with anything matching an entry in an IDSIgnorePaths # statement will be ignored by "freebsd-update IDS". IDSIgnorePaths /usr/share/man/cat IDSIgnorePaths /usr/share/man/whatis IDSIgnorePaths /var/db/locate.database IDSIgnorePaths /var/log # Paths which start with anything matching an entry in an UpdateIfUnmodified # statement will only be updated if the contents of the file have not been # modified by the user (unless changes are merged; see below). UpdateIfUnmodified /etc/ /var/ /root/ /.cshrc /.profile # When upgrading to a new FreeBSD release, files which match MergeChanges # will have any local changes merged into the version from the new release. MergeChanges /etc/ /boot/device.hints ### Default configuration options: # Directory in which to store downloaded updates and temporary # files used by FreeBSD Update. # WorkDir /var/db/freebsd-update # Destination to send output of "freebsd-update cron" if an error # occurs or updates have been downloaded. MailTo kyelw@thekyel.com # Is FreeBSD Update allowed to create new files? AllowAdd yes # Is FreeBSD Update allowed to delete files? # AllowDelete yes # If the user has modified file ownership, permissions, or flags, should # FreeBSD Update retain this modified metadata when installing a new version # of that file? # KeepModifiedMetadata yes # When upgrading between releases, should the list of Components be # read strictly (StrictComponents yes) or merely as a list of components # which *might* be installed of which FreeBSD Update should figure out # which actually are installed and upgrade those (StrictComponents no)? # StrictComponents no # When installing a new kernel perform a backup of the old one first # so it is possible to boot the old kernel in case of problems. BackupKernel yes # If BackupKernel is enabled, the backup kernel is saved to this # directory. BackupKernelDir /boot/kernel.old # When backing up a kernel also back up debug symbol files? BackupKernelSymbolFiles no' > /etc/freebsd-update.conf # load fuse for sshfs echo 'fuse_load="YES" geom_eli_load="YES" aesni_load="YES" kern.geom.label.disk_ident.enable="0" kern.geom.label.gptid.enable="0" autoboot_delay="3" # for the librem 13 hw.psm.elantech_support="1" zfs_load="YES"' > /boot/loader.conf echo 'hw.psm.tap_timeout=0 security.bsd.unprivileged_idprio=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo '#!/bin/sh # # For a more detailed explanation of all the periodic.conf variables, please # refer to the periodic.conf(5) manual page. # # $FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/defaults/periodic.conf 317857 2017-05-05 21:59:34Z asomers $ # # What files override these defaults ? periodic_conf_files="/etc/periodic.conf /etc/periodic.conf.local" # periodic script dirs local_periodic="/usr/local/etc/periodic" # Max time to sleep to avoid causing congestion on download servers anticongestion_sleeptime=3600 # Daily options # These options are used by periodic(8) itself to determine what to do # with the output of the sub-programs that are run, and where to send # that output. $daily_output might be set to /var/log/daily.log if you # wish to log the daily output and have the files rotated by newsyslog(8) # daily_output="root" # user or /file daily_show_success="YES" # scripts returning 0 daily_show_info="YES" # scripts returning 1 daily_show_badconfig="YES" # scripts returning 2 # 100.clean-disks daily_clean_disks_enable="NO" # Delete files daily daily_clean_disks_files="[#,]* .#* a.out *.core *.CKP .emacs_[0-9]*" daily_clean_disks_days=3 # If older than this daily_clean_disks_verbose="YES" # Mention files deleted # 110.clean-tmps daily_clean_tmps_enable="NO" # Delete stuff daily daily_clean_tmps_dirs="/tmp" # Delete under here daily_clean_tmps_days="3" # If not accessed for daily_clean_tmps_ignore=".X*-lock .X11-unix .ICE-unix .font-unix .XIM-unix" daily_clean_tmps_ignore="$daily_clean_tmps_ignore quota.user quota.group .snap" daily_clean_tmps_ignore="$daily_clean_tmps_ignore .sujournal" # Dont delete these daily_clean_tmps_verbose="YES" # Mention files deleted # 120.clean-preserve daily_clean_preserve_enable="YES" # Delete files daily daily_clean_preserve_days=7 # If not modified for daily_clean_preserve_verbose="YES" # Mention files deleted # 130.clean-msgs daily_clean_msgs_enable="YES" # Delete msgs daily daily_clean_msgs_days= # If not modified for # 140.clean-rwho daily_clean_rwho_enable="YES" # Delete rwho daily daily_clean_rwho_days=7 # If not modified for daily_clean_rwho_verbose="YES" # Mention files deleted # 150.clean-hoststat daily_clean_hoststat_enable="YES" # Purge sendmail host status cache daily # 200.backup-passwd daily_backup_passwd_enable="YES" # Backup passwd & group # 210.backup-aliases daily_backup_aliases_enable="YES" # Backup mail aliases # 300.calendar daily_calendar_enable="NO" # Run calendar -a # 310.accounting daily_accounting_enable="YES" # Rotate acct files daily_accounting_compress="NO" # Gzip rotated files daily_accounting_flags=-q # Flags to /usr/sbin/sa daily_accounting_save=3 # How many files to save # 330.news daily_news_expire_enable="YES" # Run news.expire # 400.status-disks daily_status_disks_enable="YES" # Check disk status daily_status_disks_df_flags="-l -h" # df(1) flags for check # 401.status-graid daily_status_graid_enable="NO" # Check graid(8) # 404.status-zfs daily_status_zfs_enable="YES" # Check ZFS daily_status_zfs_zpool_list_enable="YES" # List ZFS pools # 406.status-gmirror daily_status_gmirror_enable="NO" # Check gmirror(8) # 407.status-graid3 daily_status_graid3_enable="NO" # Check graid3(8) # 408.status-gstripe daily_status_gstripe_enable="NO" # Check gstripe(8) # 409.status-gconcat daily_status_gconcat_enable="NO" # Check gconcat(8) # 410.status-mfi daily_status_mfi_enable="NO" # Check mfiutil(8) # 420.status-network daily_status_network_enable="YES" # Check network status daily_status_network_usedns="YES" # DNS lookups are ok daily_status_network_netstat_flags="-d" # netstat(1) flags # 430.status-uptime daily_status_uptime_enable="YES" # Check system uptime # 440.status-mailq daily_status_mailq_enable="YES" # Check mail status daily_status_mailq_shorten="NO" # Shorten output daily_status_include_submit_mailq="YES" # Also submit queue # 450.status-security daily_status_security_enable="YES" # Security check # See also "Security options" below for more options daily_status_security_inline="NO" # Run inline ? daily_status_security_output="root" # user or /file # 460.status-mail-rejects daily_status_mail_rejects_enable="YES" # Check mail rejects daily_status_mail_rejects_logs=3 # How many logs to check daily_status_mail_rejects_shorten="NO" # Shorten output # 480.leapfile-ntpd daily_ntpd_leapfile_enable="YES" # Fetch NTP leapfile # 480.status-ntpd daily_status_ntpd_enable="NO" # Check NTP status # 500.queuerun daily_queuerun_enable="YES" # Run mail queue daily_submit_queuerun="YES" # Also submit queue # 510.status-world-kernel daily_status_world_kernel="YES" # Check the running # userland/kernel version # 800.scrub-zfs daily_scrub_zfs_enable="NO" daily_scrub_zfs_pools="" # empty string selects all pools daily_scrub_zfs_default_threshold="35" # days between scrubs #daily_scrub_zfs_${poolname}_threshold="35" # pool specific threshold # 999.local daily_local="/etc/daily.local" # Local scripts # Weekly options # These options are used by periodic(8) itself to determine what to do # with the output of the sub-programs that are run, and where to send # that output. $weekly_output might be set to /var/log/weekly.log if you # wish to log the weekly output and have the files rotated by newsyslog(8) # weekly_output="root" # user or /file weekly_show_success="YES" # scripts returning 0 weekly_show_info="YES" # scripts returning 1 weekly_show_badconfig="YES" # scripts returning 2 # 310.locate weekly_locate_enable="YES" # Update locate weekly # 320.whatis weekly_whatis_enable="YES" # Update whatis weekly # 330.catman weekly_catman_enable="NO" # Preformat man pages # 340.noid weekly_noid_enable="NO" # Find unowned files weekly_noid_dirs="/" # Look here # 450.status-security weekly_status_security_enable="YES" # Security check # See also "Security options" above for more options weekly_status_security_inline="NO" # Run inline ? weekly_status_security_output="root" # user or /file # 999.local weekly_local="/etc/weekly.local" # Local scripts # Monthly options # These options are used by periodic(8) itself to determine what to do # with the output of the sub-programs that are run, and where to send # that output. $monthly_output might be set to /var/log/monthly.log if you # wish to log the monthly output and have the files rotated by newsyslog(8) # monthly_output="root" # user or /file monthly_show_success="YES" # scripts returning 0 monthly_show_info="YES" # scripts returning 1 monthly_show_badconfig="YES" # scripts returning 2 # 200.accounting monthly_accounting_enable="YES" # Login accounting # 450.status-security monthly_status_security_enable="YES" # Security check # See also "Security options" above for more options monthly_status_security_inline="NO" # Run inline ? monthly_status_security_output="root" # user or /file # 999.local monthly_local="/etc/monthly.local" # Local scripts # Security options security_show_success="YES" # scripts returning 0 security_show_info="YES" # scripts returning 1 security_show_badconfig="YES" # scripts returning 2 # These options are used by the security periodic(8) scripts spawned in # daily and weekly 450.status-security. security_status_logdir="/var/log" # Directory for logs security_status_diff_flags="-b -u" # flags for diff output # Each of the security_status_*_period options below can have one of the # following values: # - NO: do not run at all # - daily: only run during the daily security status # - weekly: only run during the weekly security status # - monthly: only run during the monthly security status # Note that if periodic security scripts are run from crontab(5) directly, # they will be run unless _enable or _period is set to "NO". # 100.chksetuid security_status_chksetuid_enable="YES" security_status_chksetuid_period="daily" # 110.neggrpperm security_status_neggrpperm_enable="YES" security_status_neggrpperm_period="daily" # 200.chkmounts security_status_chkmounts_enable="YES" security_status_chkmounts_period="daily" #security_status_chkmounts_ignore="^amd:" # Dont check matching # FS types security_status_noamd="NO" # Dont check amd mounts # 300.chkuid0 security_status_chkuid0_enable="YES" security_status_chkuid0_period="daily" # 400.passwdless security_status_passwdless_enable="YES" security_status_passwdless_period="daily" # 410.logincheck security_status_logincheck_enable="YES" security_status_logincheck_period="daily" # 500.ipfwdenied security_status_ipfwdenied_enable="YES" security_status_ipfwdenied_period="daily" # 510.ipfdenied security_status_ipfdenied_enable="YES" security_status_ipfdenied_period="daily" # 520.pfdenied security_status_pfdenied_enable="YES" security_status_pfdenied_period="daily" # 550.ipfwlimit security_status_ipfwlimit_enable="YES" security_status_ipfwlimit_period="daily" # 610.ipf6denied security_status_ipf6denied_enable="YES" security_status_ipf6denied_period="daily" # 700.kernelmsg security_status_kernelmsg_enable="YES" security_status_kernelmsg_period="daily" # 800.loginfail security_status_loginfail_enable="YES" security_status_loginfail_period="daily" # 900.tcpwrap security_status_tcpwrap_enable="YES" security_status_tcpwrap_period="daily" # Define source_periodic_confs, the mechanism used by /etc/periodic/*/* # scripts to source defaults/periodic.conf overrides safely. if [ -z "${source_periodic_confs_defined}" ]; then source_periodic_confs_defined=yes # Sleep for a random amount of time in order to mitigate the thundering # herd problem of multiple hosts running periodic simultaneously. # Will not sleep when used interactively. # Will sleep at most once per invocation of periodic anticongestion() { [ -n "$PERIODIC_IS_INTERACTIVE" ] && return if [ -f "$PERIODIC_ANTICONGESTION_FILE" ]; then rm -f $PERIODIC_ANTICONGESTION_FILE sleep `jot -r 1 0 ${anticongestion_sleeptime}` fi } # Compatibility with old daily variable names. # They can be removed in stable/11. security_daily_compat_var() { local var=$1 dailyvar value dailyvar=daily_status_security${var#security_status} periodvar=${var%enable}period eval value=\"\$$dailyvar\" [ -z "$value" ] && return echo "Warning: Variable \$$dailyvar is deprecated," \ "use \$$var instead." >&2 case "$value" in [Yy][Ee][Ss]) eval $var=YES eval $periodvar=daily ;; *) eval $var=\"$value\" ;; esac } check_yesno_period() { local var="$1" periodvar value period eval value=\"\$$var\" case "$value" in [Yy][Ee][Ss]) ;; *) return 1 ;; esac periodvar=${var%enable}period eval period=\"\$$periodvar\" case "$PERIODIC" in "security daily") case "$period" in [Dd][Aa][Ii][Ll][Yy]) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac ;; "security weekly") case "$period" in [Ww][Ee][Ee][Kk][Ll][Yy]) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac ;; "security monthly") case "$period" in [Mm][Oo][Nn][Tt][Hh][Ll][Yy]) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac ;; security) # Run directly from crontab(5). case "$period" in [Nn][Oo]) return 1 ;; *) return 0 ;; esac ;; *) echo "ASSERTION FAILED: Unexpected value for" \ "\$PERIODIC: $PERIODIC" >&2 exit 127 ;; esac } source_periodic_confs() { local i sourced_files for i in ${periodic_conf_files}; do case ${sourced_files} in *:$i:*) ;; *) sourced_files="${sourced_files}:$i:" [ -r $i ] && . $i ;; esac done } fi ' > /etc/periodic.conf echo '#!/bin/sh xsetroot -solid black /usr/local/bin/xset s off # dont activate screensaver /usr/local/bin/xset s noblank # dont blank the video device /usr/local/bin/xset -dpms # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features.' > /usr/local/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 # sendmail echo "# \$FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/mail/aliases 243752 2012-12-01 15:11:46Z rwatson $ # @(#)aliases 5.3 (Berkeley) 5/24/90 # # Aliases in this file will NOT be expanded in the header from # Mail, but WILL be visible over networks. # # >>>>>>>>>> The program newaliases must be run after # >> NOTE >> this file is updated for any changes to # >>>>>>>>>> show through to sendmail. # # # See also RFC 2142, MAILBOX NAMES FOR COMMON SERVICES, ROLES # AND FUNCTIONS, May 1997 # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2142 # Pretty much everything else in this file points to root, so # you would do well in either reading roots mailbox or forwarding # roots email from here. # root: me@my.domain # Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present root: $(hostname -s)@somehost.com MAILER-DAEMON: postmaster postmaster: root # General redirections for pseudo accounts _dhcp: root _pflogd: root auditdistd: root bin: root bind: root daemon: root games: root hast: root kmem: root mailnull: postmaster man: root news: root nobody: root operator: root pop: root proxy: root smmsp: postmaster sshd: root system: root toor: root tty: root usenet: news uucp: root abuse: root security: root ftp: root ftp-bugs: ftp" > /etc/mail/aliases /usr/bin/newaliases # whoever thought this was a good idea to add as a default in vim needs to be punched in their stupid face echo 'autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * setlocal formatoptions-=cro set paste' > /usr/local/etc/vim/vimrc echo 'set mouse=' >> /root/.vimrc # bashrc echo 'source $HOME/.bashrc' >> /home/kyelw/.profile echo '7d9c693k4j4dd5b17132f5f005bf4c982' > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id chmod +x /var/files/scripts/backlight.sh mkdir /var/account/acct mkdir /etc/openvpn mkdir /etc/news.expire mkdir /var/repo chown kyelw:kyelw /var/repo mkdir /var/log/mtree eth=$(ifconfig | grep flags | grep -vE "lo0" | awk '{print $1;}' | tr -d ':') ip=$(ifconfig | grep inet | grep -vE "inet6|" | awk '{print $2;}') echo "ext_if="${eth}" set skip on lo pass in from ${ip} to any pass in from to block in pass out all keep state" > /etc/pf.conf echo "" echo "Done. now exit, and run rc.file.builder.sh, then reboot"